
Lake Upcoming Events

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  •  Click Here:  We want to support and address your distance learning needs. Please visit our distance learning website. 

     Queremos apoyar y abordar sus necesidades de educación a distancia. Visite nuestro sitio web de educación a distancia. 


    At Lake, we inspire today's leaders while fostering a lifelong love of learning with high academic and social expectations for ourselves and our communities



    Our primary goal is to develop life long learners that are committed to lives characterized by love, integrity, respect, self-discipline, and hope in pursuit of justice and equity for all. 

    We believe it takes an entire community to develop a well-nurtured child.  Educators, parents, students, and community partners work collectively every day to provide hands-on, exciting inquiry-based learning and social-emotional support opportunities to inspire young minds to reach new heights.  We hold high expectations not only for ourselves and our students but all who touch the lives of our community. 

Lake Announcements

  • office hours    

    Hours of Operation  

    • Lake Elementary school office is open daily Monday through Friday. 
    • Our hours of operation are:  8:00 am to 3:30 pm during regular school business days. 
    • The office is closed on weekends and during school holidays and breaks.
    • Note:  Lake Office hours of operation will vary during the month of August.
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Lake Rebuild

  • Click image to visit Lake Rebuild page and sign up for the rebuild newsletter to receive the latest updates.

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